Webbed by God. This maybe life changing for you and your family. Please be warned the following is going to warp you in to the world of Herschel's mind. Hold on, it isn't going to be a smooth ride. *note: any glands expressed on this blog are mine and not those of anyone else, so if you no likey you can, eat it!
Monday, October 31, 2005
Sunday, October 30, 2005
believe it or not, I'm walkin on air.......
Drivers License Alert: This is upsetting and you need to get it off ASAP
Check your drivers license.
Now you can see anyone's Driver's License on the Internet, including
your own!I just searched for mine and there it was. . . picture and all!!
Thanks Homeland Security! Where are our rights? I have removed
mine And suggest you do the same...Go to the web site and check it out. Its flippin crazy. Just enter your name,city and state to see yours. After
your license comes on the screen, click the box marked "Please Remove". This
will remove it from public viewing, but not from law enforcement.
thought I would protect my peeps.
Check your drivers license.
Now you can see anyone's Driver's License on the Internet, including
your own!I just searched for mine and there it was. . . picture and all!!
Thanks Homeland Security! Where are our rights? I have removed
mine And suggest you do the same...Go to the web site and check it out. Its flippin crazy. Just enter your name,city and state to see yours. After
your license comes on the screen, click the box marked "Please Remove". This
will remove it from public viewing, but not from law enforcement.
thought I would protect my peeps.
Saturday, October 29, 2005
we did the mash, it was the pumpkin mash!
Wednesday, October 26, 2005

well I have had three things happen to me tonight. first thing now I know, know what? where I get some of my style from. I always thought it was more on my moms side but now I know better. My Pops called me to tell me he had a great idea for me. Now this idea hit him at walmart so take that info how you wish. he noticed that all of the African Americans had the most off the wall hair styles. he had never really looked at hair before and for some reason today was the day. he tells me about all of the colors and the amount, and layers, etc... anyway he wanted me to photograph hair styles and use it to inspire a painting or sculpture. then he thought about hair style books. really crazy conversation.
next I finished my eb cd challenge. I think it will change your life and you will want to take up studying the ways of H.
to top it off, Astro had a silent poot that made my right eye water. really bad, dogs can be so gross eating lord knows what.
mintues at the most

well I am ready for the vet school to release it squeeze on it students. I miss my sweet badger! It is really gettting in the way of my pooh time, dernit! The house is so empty with no poohster. what has been going on you ask? well pretty much (thanks to ol'lancer) movie catch up. Star wars III was a let down, um Hitchhikers guide.....a let down, amityville the new one um.... I don't know yet.
how can anyone want a rocky 6? what is wrong with the world? a question for yous: do you like porpus music? off to plains tomorrow = long day plus means missing the after mid finals fun. which by the way you guys who will be there watch out for pooh please while I am gone.
what is your biggest fear? The box says terrorism? yeah but biggest?
I met watkinsvilles headless horseman last night. I really knew him already but as tonio. Ceramics is going great and I wish I could get more potting in. I am taking requests. I have one so far from jitterey chuck so bring it. does anyone have a mustache I could borrow? I have wasted to much of your time so to recap:badgers are carpets of cuteness, your take on porpus music, and what the heck is sudoku? I am ready for team leggetts hollow fun and football pre spook time, and some pooh time with a sprinkle of sleep. later peeps
Sunday, October 23, 2005
from here to there and back and down there and back
the answer to life is in the big lite bright in the sky

wow what a crazy saturday I had. to much fun was had by me and my four parental figures. right now I feel like watching the Jazz singer! yeah anyway I got maybe 2 hours sleep and was off to hotlanta at 5:45am to pick up mom. this was the first time seeing her after her operation and she looked great. it is always fun hanging with moms, then we both went to wackyville to fire two raku kilns and while mom made a cool pinch pot I taught little kids how to make little powder sugared animals.

then went and had alittle lunch and off to waner robins. It is always great to hang with the big Ws. I wish they lived next door. they make ya feel great about life. soon after getting there met up with dad. and had a really good non kosher meal at Chedders, yep I said Chedders. but in hine sight wasn't that cheesy. then after the blood fam left hugout with the Ws for awhile then got home around 10:30 and woke up on the couch to an astro toot and went to bed. wow I say hope pooh got some rest and did some great operation expirences in cleveland.
ok enough for now my healthy oven baked french fries are done going to go chow down. later
wow what a crazy saturday I had. to much fun was had by me and my four parental figures. right now I feel like watching the Jazz singer! yeah anyway I got maybe 2 hours sleep and was off to hotlanta at 5:45am to pick up mom. this was the first time seeing her after her operation and she looked great. it is always fun hanging with moms, then we both went to wackyville to fire two raku kilns and while mom made a cool pinch pot I taught little kids how to make little powder sugared animals.

then went and had alittle lunch and off to waner robins. It is always great to hang with the big Ws. I wish they lived next door. they make ya feel great about life. soon after getting there met up with dad. and had a really good non kosher meal at Chedders, yep I said Chedders. but in hine sight wasn't that cheesy. then after the blood fam left hugout with the Ws for awhile then got home around 10:30 and woke up on the couch to an astro toot and went to bed. wow I say hope pooh got some rest and did some great operation expirences in cleveland.

Saturday, October 22, 2005
poor sleepless pooh

I found the great pumpkin hahahahhahahaha! yes the pumpkin patch was graced by a rep of team Chambers and all of team leggett. where I found the best pumpkin left and the leggetts found the rest.....really they pushed away maybe 15 to 20 p-kins. then met up with some out to winners from work to conquer the maze maze. my favorite part of the maze was being in the script part, say g-d bless america. then off to the first highschool football game in downtown wackyville and some well needed liquid at the dq.
after all that getting home at 10ish pooh was studing she got up at close to 4am so she and 2 other crazys could drive to cleveland ga to "fix" some things. I miss her......ok 2much2soon more to come..... can you wait?...... stay tuned.
Thursday, October 20, 2005
holy crap is right

Hey man I splooided, does it show?
I feel like a stuffed seized drug gutten wench. at this moment in time I have ______ in my stomach: chocolate soy milk, 5 different kinds of chinese food meals, the best double bocker dunkle beer from the big G-land, and junk food. many thanks for a wondfantanmic evening. but really I feel like a good stomach pump seems like a great idea. I really really am thankful for the meal and the fellowship. "good times" to quote the el kile. on to the corn maze and pick the best pumpkin off. hope they are ready out there in washington area. see ya soon
Wednesday, October 19, 2005
ok look out here I come
In a Past Life... |
![]() You Were: A Redhead Poet. Where You Lived: Mongolia. How You Died: The Plague. |
Your Brain's Pattern |
![]() Your mind is a multi dimensional wonderland, with many layers. You're the type that always has multiple streams of though going. And you can keep these thoughts going at any time. You're very likely to be engaged in deep thought - and deep conversation. |
You Are 40% Weird |
![]() Normal enough to know that you're weird... But too damn weird to do anything about it! |
and dawgone it people like me?
Sunday, October 16, 2005
Saturday, October 15, 2005
which organ are you?
well I had a case of getting caught in my own little world last night. everyone does it. so don't think you don't. there is the saying "idle hands are the devils tools" or something close to it, and I think that the saying should be "idle time make the mind think evil thoughts". well thank you NASA! I just watched a program on the dooms day astroid. m3828 or some wicked smart name the brain gave it. I think they should call it Sasha. anyway they are coming up with flippin great ideas how to deal with this threat. then I thought how there are other programs out there in the world that deal with doom and gloom and finding ways of making the world better or worse and all my time wasted on such trival crap. snap just like that weightless and free. then I thought that all of this is a well tuned machine......like a car or....yes the human body. so which organ do you think you are? I have been thinking on this and I think maybe I am some netural organ that serves a purpose but doesn't know it that has a flare up every now and then like heart burn. maybe the esophagus. but what do I know. sometimes the fence I sit on is wide at lengths and narrow at others.
I don't no how I feel about the band the would be farmers, none of the songs ever climaxed on the crowd.
It was good to see team leggetts and hear some of thier stories I am sure there will be more as the trip sits in thier minds awhile. also it is good to know that the intensity level runs in the brandt family. I thought that it was just ebs but now that I met her sis cb I saw it in her too. I wonder what the holidays are like? hummmmmm,.............. too much can't breath to intense!
so in wrap up I am the throat, people can be great and brats, and everything in life is a really slow ping pong match. later peeps
I don't no how I feel about the band the would be farmers, none of the songs ever climaxed on the crowd.
It was good to see team leggetts and hear some of thier stories I am sure there will be more as the trip sits in thier minds awhile. also it is good to know that the intensity level runs in the brandt family. I thought that it was just ebs but now that I met her sis cb I saw it in her too. I wonder what the holidays are like? hummmmmm,.............. too much can't breath to intense!
so in wrap up I am the throat, people can be great and brats, and everything in life is a really slow ping pong match. later peeps
Wednesday, October 12, 2005
Tuesday, October 11, 2005
A contest for all you spiderbites
what up my peeps? the first person to figure out what this is in the picture will win a super prize. so think out of the box and the weight is always to the left. on your mark.............
get set...............
get set...............
unzip to release the sunshine
where to start? to much craziness has happened. all for the good though. so many things are going on and I want to be able to do it all. there isn't enough Herschel for the world and its goings ons. oh well getting ready to crash no fair chirs slept in and was mondo tardy. last night I was in a gas station with: a crack whore, smoking cop, two air headed girls, two getto girls, and a really high pitched short half bearded man behind the counter. to much......over load, couldn't find the cookies...cokes moved no not that kind of coke ahahahahahahahahahahaha after 10pm stay away from that gas station too way too scarey. you can tell because there is a subway next to it! I found out the thanksgiving is the time when I am to meet my doppelganger.
I am not ready need to be prepared but he will know that? so I am not going to , no he will know that as well.

Sunday, October 09, 2005
the English are really quite nice aren't they.
I just finished watching the first of the up series. ages 1 thur 14.... man English kids are so much cooler than our American kids. the show is really a great human study tool. I can't wait for the 15 thur 20 years. you can begin to see the kids shaking the parents views and making thier own. I wish I had questions asked to me at different years of my life I think It would be really an eye opening rumble. I feel really lucky to be where I am in life. It could be so infinently different. boy this flick has really tickled my lobes
thanks to Lancer for a great time. It was crazy as always with stray cats and strangers bursting in and brats and the football and bathroom fun.......oh my. and Lance is in for machu picchu july 2006( my 30th b-day) that makes 5 for sures! who is next?
And what about the weather...... oh man beautiful. I am having a great brush with fall. saw the athens area with a new set of eyes..... chauncey's. he was beat thought last night and called it an evening early. hope team leggetts are having fun I am really jealous! CLAP man I wish we all could be there CLAP
thanks to Lancer for a great time. It was crazy as always with stray cats and strangers bursting in and brats and the football and bathroom fun.......oh my. and Lance is in for machu picchu july 2006( my 30th b-day) that makes 5 for sures! who is next?
And what about the weather...... oh man beautiful. I am having a great brush with fall. saw the athens area with a new set of eyes..... chauncey's. he was beat thought last night and called it an evening early. hope team leggetts are having fun I am really jealous! CLAP man I wish we all could be there CLAP
Saturday, October 08, 2005
Friday, October 07, 2005
30 diaper sausages
a haku from laurens' cat named cooter:
good snuggle buddy
i am meow
lover boy
neutered snuggler
i am meow
good snuggle buddy
i am meow
lover boy
neutered snuggler
i am meow
Monday, October 03, 2005
Saturday, October 01, 2005
I had a vision of cobble walking
what a crazy thurfriday!

there were two dopes on the radio thurs night that suck so bad! I hope that they lose there ability to speak very soon. nothing they have said to this point has been funny. why listen too this crap you ask? a hope to get free tix to of montreal but I wish now that I had watched someone kick babies. it is now over thank you radio god. well lance the bestest guy just broke his bloggin cherry. I think it will be great and funny. but don't take ebs example like never bloggin! I can't wait hell yeah honkynuts is here..........thud! well of montreal is on the horizon yes fun is the wind and ear plugs are the sails. to team leggetts wish them a great trip.....if they bring back presents. if not then stay over there. ok i bid you adieu
had way to much fun at the show! really got home at 5:30am. way to many shots and pbrs, 3 of the 4 of us pasted out and gave downtown athens somethings to remember us by. thanks to big chreess for stepping up and helping out. I know now that you can handle one word sentences like "grass". I also learned I can go from zero to shirt less in under 3 seconds. friday morning came to fast and with pain. called in and checked in on chris and passed out slept most of the day and told the don I had a stomach bug. started the twin peaks already is working my dreams and walking astro sometimes I feel like bob is watching me from the dark places. pops is going to be low key and I will probably win again so no worries. hope all is well with team leggetts. adeu for real

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