there were two dopes on the radio thurs night that suck so bad! I hope that they lose there ability to speak very soon. nothing they have said to this point has been funny. why listen too this crap you ask? a hope to get free tix to of montreal but I wish now that I had watched someone kick babies. it is now over thank you radio god. well lance the bestest guy just broke his bloggin cherry. I think it will be great and funny. but don't take ebs example like never bloggin! I can't wait hell yeah honkynuts is here..........thud! well of montreal is on the horizon yes fun is the wind and ear plugs are the sails. to team leggetts wish them a great trip.....if they bring back presents. if not then stay over there. ok i bid you adieu
had way to much fun at the show! really got home at 5:30am. way to many shots and pbrs, 3 of the 4 of us pasted out and gave downtown athens somethings to remember us by. thanks to big chreess for stepping up and helping out. I know now that you can handle one word sentences like "grass". I also learned I can go from zero to shirt less in under 3 seconds. friday morning came to fast and with pain. called in and checked in on chris and passed out slept most of the day and told the don I had a stomach bug. started the twin peaks already is working my dreams and walking astro sometimes I feel like bob is watching me from the dark places. pops is going to be low key and I will probably win again so no worries. hope all is well with team leggetts. adeu for real

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