thats right allan! I do have some crazy things to tell. but allan please speak into the microphone. where to start...?....you said it, at the beginning. what a cruddy day, over cast, mist, drizzle (for shizzle), and cold. makins for a crap day, but not so bad, I could have hit a um.....deer. well dale starts me out on a travel walk through. so I get to see folks I normally don't get to see maybe twice a year but they seem to remember me none the less. but they keep changing stupid locations and I walked all over campus and downtown. this is where I had my lynch moment!

as I was nearing the end of the walk through I needed to go to see someone in the franklin house (you know the one that has the "purdy hearts jon" tag downtown) I get to the end of the sidewalk and a 1930s style alarm sounds and it seems like everything stops. no cars or people just then a huge amount of water comes out of nowhere. the water crosses the street and towards me and it hits the curb where I am standing and i flows for a while. then it trickles down enough for me to walk through and the alarm slows down then quits. then a car stops at the red light. wierd huh.

As I was out I came up with a great idea! yeup another one, don't
hurt'em. whats the game bowtie bob? the game is going to last over a year it will begin Jan. 1st and is going to be a points game. I am going to post a pic from somewhere in the athens area,nothing to hard but not easy. this will happen once a week um on sunday to give you guys a whole week to hunt. then you the contestant will email me your answer. I will assign the pics points depending on how hard it was to find. then at the end of the year the person with the most points will win a grand prize. anyone game? then more rain and a trip to the farm then I go to the ceramics lab and BAM make a kick butt tube. ouch stop it don't hurt me
again guess what came in the mail? the big bad dog sent me an autographed pic of he and beth( I think thats correct english) ,pretty cool! speaking of cool.... satchel asked to go outthefreakinside! went to the door and looked at us and made a cute dog sound! I have to say I am teaching that rat dog well ( pooh too I guess).

somehow I think fluffy, you do indeed know what it is to be satchel. astro has been having a foot problem for a couple of days now. I don't want to freak out but she is my first real kid and I am very protective of her only seconded by pooh then my moms and mrs w. I got my truck estimate and the before grand total is $2400.00 bucks! I can't believe it. I hate to think what it would have done to pooh's car. oh I almost forgot, the country of Kazakhstan is sueing
Borat. that is right for giving the country a bad name. you should hear his aresponse yees I leked it avery muccha! ok see you around the u.s. and a
You have had the weirdest week ever.
PS I hope Astro is feeling better.
PPS I kept meaning to post a picture of a tapeworm on my blog, just for you.
hey did you see what kewl gross things are happening at my site?
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