what says xmas time more than hitting a deer? yup, I have taken out my first deer. pooh and I were coming back from, by far the easiest picking out a xmas tree ever. it was the first one we picked up. on the way back, we had just turned on to timothy and just in front of the school at the entrance to kingswood ( a road we had been on thousands of times) and BAM! I see a brown leaping shape, a black eye and thud ....MY TRUCK! we pull over and crap we hit a deer! shaken up but ok, we looked for it but couldn't find it. CRAZY, I feel bad about the deer as did pooh but what do we do. We made some calls and made sure we weren't breaking any laws by leaving the "scene" and got home, and I guess the messed up by a rock chevy symbol wasn't so bad after all. took some pics here they go...........

so lance I feel your pain once again. at least the deer wasn't leaving a liquor store. I am just glad that it wasn't worse. but we got the tree up and it looks great. to top off the night we watched by far the best oscar pick of 05, the deviels rejects. perfection!
here is our purdy tree. I hope you like cause the season is on.
those deer hits are scarry. glad you guys are ok. the tree looks great!
you killed bambi!!!!
glad neither of you were hurt, and i hope your truck feels better soon.
Wow -- be sure to pick out a special deer ornament for the tree...in memoriam.
Uh oh spaghettios.
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