Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Why is it brown?

Fire bag Fire bag Fire bag. had a talk about the first time I went swimming, which made me remember the first time I went under water. I was laying on the steps on my back as my mom peeped over to rescue me. I still remember the sky looking like the simpsons and my mom looked like a freaked out holy being. does your inward monologe voice match your true speaking voice? I found out last night that pest likes to eat the nameless end of the shoe string as well as the bong door stoppers. I hate the smell of the audoclaved orange bio bags. yuck when I see them, fire bag fire bag, I want to hurl. thanks for the help yesterday big creases the lynch room is going to be a, b, c....razy. here is something just for you.... later taters

1 comment:

eb said...

my inner monologue voice is much smarter than my speaking voice. i often get the feeling that speaking!eb voice has a real 'cletus the slack-jawed yokel' quality. a good question though - and though i wish it didn't happen, i think that the prevailing voice can really depend on who you're with.