Thursday, February 09, 2006

try and guess what I googled

these with all images hit when I did a search for ..........? go on try and guess I dare ya!


mopeymacaroni said...

i have no idea but that is a pretty cool site you have there. i like the h and the sweet thursday. just put me in a better mood! thanks buddy

elrusoblanco said...

hey man, what ever happened to the "post a pic of Athens every week and there will be prizes"? it was in your December posts.....just wondering. maybe the game's been going on and i didn't know it. :)

no luck with that couch/recliner last night. it was nappy and pretty heavy. she said she had someone in the family that would take it so, i didn't feel bad for turning her down.

Butchie said...

Were you searching for "randon shit"?