Happy New Year, to all of my peeps out there near and far! well we have just put up the last of the holifun stuff. this is the time that I sit back and reflect on the craziness that is Hanamus time. I don't know where to start, um the last to weeks are a blurrrrrrr. well first the last two weeks wouldn't be anything without pooh, my family and my gang of peeps. I am so lucky to be in the spot in life that I am in. My two famlies go together so well sort of like a lava lamp, smoothly. yeas, I like that. All of my friends rock and I hit the jackpot with pooh!

pooh and I have been on a crazy ride and neither of us is ready to get off. our tour of GA took us to 10ahsea (lets see if you get that one), to rocktown, to rome, to the perry area and back. I love our three year so far rome tradition. it is always good to see berry and marc and her fam. we always have a blast and I think marc and I will have a blast getting all of his wedding plans together. it is going to be an honor to stand next to him when he marries our berrrrrry. I mean it is berry, bear.

during the first of the holiday I diddn't even have time to get sick. my nose gave it a good try but there was just no time for it. I guess it was the "best" illness I have ever had. going to the W's for x mas was great, and there won't be a better sunday paper hunt ever. I thought that the fun would have calmed down after that but nope, it got better and has completely messed up my sleeping clock. one day I woke up a 5:30pm. we have partied flippin hardcore in these last two weeks. two of which ending a 4:30am, crazy. I think we have set the hanukkah party standard to high some peeps were nubies to the cookie making latkie cooking dreidel playing fun and had no idea that it was going to blow their minds. New Years eve was great and I hope that all of my peeps have a great 06! I could go on and on but I am rambling and I will stop...... for now. see you all for the first time in 2006!

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