This week has been the week of crazy messed up movies. first of all before I get into that what a weekend! man this was the craziest hollowween in a long time. I maybe getting to old for this stuff......naaaaaaa ok back to movies, I think I will just list them:
Amityville horror ( those people were crazy to stay)
The two sisters ( never look at a third hand the same)
A boy and his dog ( don johnson stars with a telepathic dog)
jarhead ( great direction...great cast, the kid from sling blade is in for a ruff road)
enough you say, it is only Wednesday! yep more to come friday is twin peaks I think I will bring a epic bowl of potato salad.

hope you guys are ready for the cd that I made. It drops soon and has not a oz. of insurance. I tested it out today and a nice warm day windows down wind in your scalp and the volume up is just fine. Saturday UFC baby! thats how I role. yeah maybe beer chicken and brats to boot. but gotta last two weeks..... just the brats. one eye just closed and I thought of charlie's head and mine wrapped in a scarf. gatta go bye
( team leggett are you watching twin peaks only 4 to catch up)
two words: head cleavage.
also, korean deathbag! looking forward to more deathbag on friday.
i feel sad. i want epic pie, deathbag, fatpants and diner fun. i'm okay with no head cleavage though. i hope you have minimal fun w/out me...
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