Thursday, June 09, 2005

Arm jowels & Fat backs

I have a great arm for pricking. Also, I was informed that I have high bilirubens?
We are now on day two of PENNY WATCH echo echo 2005. Gina's son has eaten a penny found on the highly traveled floor in Hartsfeild Airport in Atlanta. Boy, the stories that penny has. I will be keeping you , the masses, informed of the happenings of the penny in the G. I. of a very scared young man....ECHO.
Just so the world knows.... Frank is flippin crazy.
Later taters

What sport would you be better at if you had a 3rd arms?


elrusoblanco said...

i would think that i would be better at tennis or boxing......juggling & arm wrestling, of course! there would probably be new sports invented like....karaoke baseball (one hand holding a microphone while the other two are batting or catching/throwing), wheelchair lacrosse (if it doesn't already exist)....

eb said...

rock-climbing, for one - plus it would make for some pretty bad-ass martial arts

Unknown said...

I am pretty sure what I would be better at but, I don't think that you would call it a sport.