man o man the last two weeks or so really are a blur. work has been busy busy busy! did I say I have been busy.
lets see harvest has been a rollercoaster of yeahs and crap whats broken now!
but we are all still talking and are 95% done and ready to gear down to 2nd and burn less gas and get some sleep and maybe do other things other than soybeans......yard work for some? lately it feels like wake up....eat....work....shower.....eat.....sleep and repeat. I feel like this around 7am.
man, pooh has been making the very bestest peanut butter honey cinnamin bagels ever, makes me hooty hoo at lunch time
speaking of honey....I went to the mudhoney concert this past saturday and had a jb sassage, with the come back sauce to boot. the show was good missed my pooh but she had to bring home the baby bacon speaking of baby......
well the baby pot is about to bubble over. pooh went to a baby shower and brought back great stuff! (I had to work on this saturday, boo hoo for me) now that pooh is full on baby, neither one of us can wait! I am in babyover load! and it isn't even here yet. we got to see its weedell face at the vet school, and i think its got my nose! I tried on my... um our baby bjorn and put satchmo in it too funny. one baby thing I will never where though is this! firm!! anyway we are have the best time maybe more me than pooh but she is having fun to I see it in her eyes. ok she is in another world and visits me when i get home to update me on all things baby. I am so lucky good friends check, good folks check, good job check, and most of all great little lady at home with a wee in her belly super check who got me mayfield icecream samiches!!
up next,
baby showers
baby classes
going back to normal at work
she leggett birth rememberence
the holidays
and so much more!!!!
ask me how I feel go ahead ask........... my answer:
thumbs up aces!
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