is this what 31 feels like? I hope that my hair sweater doesn't bust out shoulder pads! I had a great! super times. friday taco stand and super mario winning as always, saturday a great chreereeesesss move and a good lunch at the white organitiger. then a gut busting round table lazy susan mega meal at peking! and fun poker night to end the day. sunday was leftovers then went and saw transformers.....can't hold it back........arrrrrrr....... The Transformers,
More than meets the eye. Autobots wage their battle to destroy the evil forces of the deceptions. The Transformers Robots in disguise The Transformers More than meets the eye The Transformers.
sorry bout that. naaaaa not really. thanks for all the well wishes and happy bdays and cards. one high light was the happy bday song being played on the steel drum, thanks dad. should have a video soon!
anyone want their hedge cut?
and now for my nerd moment! not to copy pooh (she may or may not have copied me with her pez?) sooo info i have 639 smushed pennies, 7 nickles, 8 dimes, and 22 a plus (thanks to team leggett) 4 smushed euros. 15 special "stamped" coins. and I will save you the math. it is $353.50........I stress this......over time.