dad had a early operation to sewn him up (thank god) he has had an open wound for almost a month, crazy. he had some sort of fungus infection maybe a form of yeast throught his body that was giving him such a hard time with fevers and fits. he still is in and out of making sense. the more tired he is the more he acts out his dreams. he said some funny stuff about squirrls yesterday. he is still hooked up to a few things but when I got here he had around 6 or 7 tubes and drains in him. now we have to wait and see if he gets any infections now that he is back together. now he has to eat real food and build up his strength. a good case of the mind is hungrier than the belly. he ordered a pizza, egg salad, chocolate ice cream, a bagel and cream cheese WITH cherry jelly, cream of wheat WITH lite sugar, and TWO cookies. he ate some ice cream in the cream of wheat, looked gross and he said it tasted like it was made with bleach water! him eating drives mom nuts. speaking of mom. mom is beat today. she is a little loopy and is almost a walking zombie. at first when I got back she was doing back flips but this afternoon, sleeping sitting up in a hospital chair. I have to find away to kill her cell phone! rings off the hook all the time. now comes the hard part for us. dad has to exercise! does he want to, heck no! or he thinks he has already done it and he gets so mad! I think his frustration level is through the roof, and mom gets the most of it. He did have a long day today so lets hope he gets some rest tonight.
I can't believe I am going to miss wee's second set of pics and heart beat! "it"(wee) isn't even here and I love "it" big time! I better get a video!!!!!! you at home take good care of sugar for me, make sure she takes her pill and NO pooh NO cleaning of the liter box! nub pooh and I miss my athens and Ga. family.
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