what a trip. once in a life time. I really am glad I got to spend some good ol' son and pop time. still didn't see a tumble weed but did see 2 road runners. they are real! for the record i want to thank grandad for bringing me and dad closer, we got to see some side of each other that we never got a chance to see. so many cool things to do but...... you know. here are some stats of our trip:
8 states driven in
77 cities driven through
3419 miles driven
4 times stopped by the boarder patrol and police( not for speeding)
total gallons of gas used 245.51
total $ spent on fuel $707.92
cheapest gas was in shreveport at $2.67 per gallon
most expenisve was in reno at $3.20 per gallon
48 smushed pennies
7 smushed quarters
and 1 adopted bat from carlsbad caverns.
glad to be back and I really felt the love when I got back from all my peeps.
glad to hear your trip was cathartic and stuff. them's some dang-good pictures, boy! 'ceptin' that scary wiener....it's pro'lly the ugliest hot dog i've ever seen. the relish drizzle just sets it off, though.
"relish drizzle"? ... I had that once, I put some ointment on it and it cleared up in a week.
That's some good mileage. Next time go a few hundred miles further and come say hi!
From June 5 - Jun 19 I covered 4K miles + (not including flights).
Glad to hear you and Pop are home safe.
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