A: those crazy wacky beluga whales. they have two different layers of fat. it's hard to hide their dunlaps but they can blow air bubbles to swim through from their blow holes. ask me about my weekend....go ahead......ask.....i am glad you asked, lets start on around lunch time on friziday....lets, come with me....it'll be fun.
the fantastic chilli lunch went well all is right in the world ( poohs chilli was voted the flippin best in the history of the spicy beany creation) bellies full and work flowing smoothly. bam I ran into a maria wall it was like hitting a deer an upset red faced thin shape hits you out of no where. this time the laughing as one gets fussed at not the best plan but all was shallowly resolved.....for now until the next time I have a 96 well plate hunger. then had a ok run stinks knowing so much about the weather when it is bad and you have to be out in it. come home and put my metro out fit on to help win all of the prizes and 30 seconds later I changed and off to the party at tasty world. but crap we have a 30 minute window to buy a wedding shower present for the next day but no time and you 'll see why anyway end up buying a toaster and a sack for it and only took like 4 mintues. then party time....I HAD A FANTASTIC TIME!

p.s. welcome crockett but no tubs so no more crock pot jealousness , and hope this kills the crock jokes on the stewed 1970 country home brown/tan pot RIP .

this was a blog of fantastic moments. this means the blog itself is fantastic! fantastic
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