where to start....hmmm man last week was a bitch! pooh had crazy school and finals studing until the wee hours of the morn. 3 back to back, sucks but she probably aced them( this is my assumtion not the views of pooh) . then to top it off she had to go on a ravs trip all weekend up in Tn ( she is the only 10 I see). I don't feel bad for her though because she loves it and it is fun for her. I am sure she had craziness but see her blog cause I duno. ok I think we set a record for pcrs and running gels at work last week. most folks in the dna lab run maybe 8 to 10 gels a week ....maybe I don't know the final tally ( I said tally) but is around 30! now think of it like this a pcr takes around 3 hours for set up and running on t

> one load to goodwill
> two to the trash
>one for the yard sell
> and one maybe a half, yet to make it up here
stayed up till 3 both nights and worked in the yard cutting down trees, which by the way changing the chain on the saw really makes a difference. load up and back on the road sunday good to see the folks hard to go through all that stuff and not waste time on memory lane. gotta make the tuff choices.

stop to pick up poohs cookies at the womacks and fix their dvd player. all is well and I decide to check my phone. chris....dogs.....bad news......they are ok but something in the house is not......blinding rage. call millaseconds later, all I hear is the chair is shredded.....I have to kill satchel........can't get home fast enough it is killing me I went from a chewed up courner to the whole thing in pieces. being alone really has an effect on ones mental state. I got to where I couldn't or didn't want to have humah interaction. plus hit a skunk and must have gotten all of it stinks gland all up in my under truck, god it stinks from perry till this morning, STINKS! got home, chair not so bad but suck none the less. I will post a pic maybe someone will have an idea how to fix it. I have two but one is a patch and the other takes $.
when pooh got home I was beat. I had threw in the towel. to much all I had to look forward to was killing the dog and taking a shower and making sure pooh made it home alright, and monday......work! anyway I should recover by next tuesday so send all gifts express mail be nice to me I am on my man period. bye

big hugs and naps to you - i'm exhausted just from reading that!
BTW, what exactly did satchel do to that chair!? who was in the blinding rage? satchel? you? chris? the chair?
see you later this week - good times comin' up.
damn dude that was hard to read but i got through it this comment is an ode to Herschel i'm gonna get all e.e. cummings all up in here that means no punctuation just stream of consciousness yeah Satchel is a little bitch but really can't blame her for being a little saw-toothed puppy it was my fault that she had access to the chair corner i should've caged her man i had my own blind rage moment but looking at that little wiry ball of fur made it hard for me to be mad at her oh well shit happens i think you could either patch the corner or reupholster that one piece but i'll have to explain my idea in person and in presence of the TLC-needing chair
Sorry for your bad weekend! I like you and Pooh's tradition of going to Roly Poly. Your Doppel Gang and I should start something like that before I go on tour.
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