The morning was great, missed out on puppy dooty meaning slept a few minutes later. Got pooh off to school, she looked very cute riding off to her first day on her bike with her whitle back pack.....sorry um ate the best cereal soy milk combo and off to work early. took moto shadow out wind in my face wakes me up really mind freeing. then clug clug shurge freaking out of gas. bone dry, nothing. DAMNit! So I called around no answers, joe picks up and no gas can, I thought that everyone was sleeping. tried team leggetts again and they came to the rescue. Thank you guys so much I owe ya big time and around $5.50 in gas. flippin gas prices. well after that I had a great day and a great time making supper with pooh. I hope the week holds up to the monday I had. big weekday shoes to fill. later taters
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