Saturday, August 20, 2005

chops everywhere

if u cut a lambs tail off will it still try to wag it?

what a world! I started out with a crazy morning. pooh had gone out with lauren and got home at 2am so I only said nub to her on the couch nurseing a what looked to be the start to a mean hangover. sweated and made the big bucks at the Don's house and meet up with pooh's folks at a lamb show. now this was something to watch. lambs everywhere a flippin sea of lamb. black grey and white/ black feet everywhere. maaaa maamaaaa baaaaa mmaaaaaaaaaa crazy. I learn some stuff that I will never need to know maybe a triva? then marc from D.C. calls and asks me to be in his wedding. I said yes of coarse. what a day. up next pops up for grabs. adue peeps

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